MAYA ORGANIC is a social responsible brand, which is member of the World Fair Trade Organization.
MAYA ORGANIC is involved in developing the craftsmanship of workers and micro-entrepreneurs. The result is world-class lacware wooden products.
Lacware craft is an ecologically friendly manufacturing process in which the main raw material used is hale wood, which has not been treated chemically. All the sections of the wood are used as the product range involves many small parts for completion.
The lac, which is used as a finishing material, is an organic non-toxic resin that has been used in India for thousands of years. The lac application is a friction-based process where lac in its solid form is used. For colouring the products MAYA ORGANIC only uses natural dyes that are blended with the lac.
The toys are produced to comply with CE, ASTM standards and the EU TOY SAFETY Directive’s EN 71.